Hi! I'm Lisha! Thanks for being here!
I love putting together fun outfits that I've thrifted. Nothing feels better than receiving a compliment about an outfit I'm wearing and being able to respond "Thanks! I thrifted it!"
I can't tell you how many times people have told me how they wish they thrifted more, but they just don't have the time or patience to weed through all the clothes at a secondhand store. That's where I come in. I've done the digging for you! My favorite finds for you to shop for are already curated here, instead of you having to go to the store.
Shopping at lcbee thrifty is just as easy as shopping on Amazon, BUT you don't have to feel the guilt of contributing to waste. Buying from my collection saves clothes from going to the landfill AND supports my small business. You'll also save a heck of a lot of money buying secondhand. What more could you ask for?!
Take a look through the clothes I already have. Don't see anything you like in your size? Send me a message with your size and some inspiration of what you're looking for - I'm happy to keep you in mind while I'm at the store!